Friday, May 19, 2006


When someone so close to you passes on after a bitter struggle with cancer,
you are mostly like to be silent...

When that person is your eldest sister and mentor for some obvious reasons,
You are most likely to remain shocked...

And when your eldest sister plays the role of your mother... because she is more,
you are mostly likely to be more confused...

But when she passes on; leaving three little kids with mouths agape...
you are most likely to cry...

At times like this Naomi, the only consolation, is in John Donne's word:

"Death, Be Not Proud"

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell;
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I have been down with this annoying flu for three agonising days...
Didn't go to work on Friday, Monday and Tuesday...
My having flu is always annoying because, any damn thing can and may trigger it.
Right now, my nose is making the run--attempting to leave my face...and I have so rubbed it, that the redness is like headlamp.
And I sneeze around thirty-nine times per minute... my head throbs and my ears are blocked and my breath comes in gasp.

As I sat behind my desk--face raised --so this watery catarrh would not drop on the papers, Tracy pops in her head..."hi ya"... she says...
Hello Tracy, I tried saying with my mouth... but very word comes out nasalized.

The police are here to see you was her next statement.
Two policemen are down-stairs with Justin... I think he is in alot of trouble...they wanno have a word with you...
Me...?" If Justin is in alot of trouble, what has that got to do with me"...I asked her...

We hurried down-stairs. And behold, the police were there for real--with Justin...and he had this strange look on his a cornered rat.

My boss was the first to speak. She said... " officers, this is 'so-obscure'... the one in the CCTV recording".
I looked at Justin straight in the eyes and asked ..."Justin, whats going on...?"
One of the policemen reponded by telling me that for the past five months or there-about, Justin has been smoking 'weed' in the premises...
What has that got to do with me...I asked the officer...
We saw you with Justin on two ocassions in those recordings... and we want to know if you smoke 'weed' too.
For the first time, Justin opened his stinking weedy mouth and said..."officer, he doesn't smoke..."

Yes, ...I don't smoke cigarrette... let alone 'weed'....

That was the statement that saved me my job.

Justin was taken away. According the officers, he's been arrested for 'anti-social behaviour'...

Back upstairs, my boss asked the secretary to type Justin's termination letter. He will get that when he finishes with the police.

The bottom-line is that Justin has turned the car park within the work premises to 'a joint'--where he chills out during lunchbreak to puff his marijuana. He sits in his car while listening to some 'acid rock', and puff away...

Didn't know that the security men had warned him on one ocassion.
They called in the police.

How can any sane man bring marijuana to work and dare to smoke it within the premises....?
I never knew that Justin smokes 'weed'. What I do know is that, he is too quiet to be normal.

Too bad, it had to end this way.
What will he tell his folks back home?

Friday, May 05, 2006


I do not actually believe in witchcraft or wizardry...what I however do know, is that some people are plain wicked.
Right now, I am too flustered to think straight and articulate what I intended to blog.
Someone very close to me called me last night: saying, the step-mom is dead. She died while giving birth. The baby too could not be saved.

That is not the source or cause of my anger.
I strongly suspect the father of this friend of mine to be a wizard. Hear me out.
The dead woman I mention above, is the third wife that has died through child birth in the hands of that man. My friend's mother was the first wife. She died while giving birth to her third child.

We used to be very close family friends until I moved to the UK.
According to my friend--who is trying to keep a wide distance between himself and the father, the man has married thrice within a period of twenty-four years and none of the women is alive. And he is just fifty -four.

A man's second wife dying through the same circumstances as the first may appear to many as a mere co-incidence.
But, for a third wife, the same man... no, this is one coincident too many.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Women, Politics and Blackmail...

...women are the greatest blackmailers when it comes to sour relationships and politics, Donny said.
I do not agree with this assertion. Because often times, men are of the opinion that women are second class mammals that can be sucked dry and left in the lurch.

Donny shakes his head--as if to indicate that I am lost or I have been swallowed by the whiteman's way of reasoning.

Look at it from this angle... he says. A man would always be a man. That is the way the good Lord in his infinite wisdom created us...

What's your point, I asked him.

My point is, women tend to resort to blackmail whenever a man says it is over. Why can't a man just walk out of a relationship when he's tired--like women do all the time.

But men walk out of relationships everytime-- don't they?

Do they? Show me a public office holder who walked out of a relationship freely and I will show a blackmailer.

Donny was now prepared to lecture me on this. The way he shifted and and adjusted his chair, I knew we were in for a long night...

Do you still recall Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky and the Bill Clinton's affair...?
Of course. Who would forgot that beauty queen(?) Monica. A genuine Kanye West gold digger.

Good. Those two are the typical firebrand grave-are-sour vixen daughters of Eve. And I tell you what, most women... if not all, are like that or they have the suppressed potentials to act like Monica when a good bloke like you and I say its over.

No..., I vehemently disagree...The Monica Lewinsky-vis-avis-Bill Clinton's affair, was the Republican Blackmail. A loser's trump card which actually backfired. You can't use that as an index to judge all other women...

Ok. Donny seems to concede. What you are saying by implication is that the Conservative Party are losing out and have resorted to cheap blackmail and character assassination with this Tracy Temple's bullshit...? Is that it...?

I don't get your drift. What has the Conservative party and Tracy Temple got to do with blackmail...?...I asked.
What I am saying to you 'idiot' is that women have allowed themselves to become cheap weapons of blackmail by dirty politcians.

The Monica Lewinskies and Paula Jones' and the Tracy Temples of the world are always there-- ready to be used.

Well, I think I am feeling sleepy....I don't know of being used, but I think they have every right to fall in and out of love-- as they wish.

Yes, it has everything to do with politics. It's not just love. These women are tough miners--searching for gold and publicity; with double edge sword-- ready to cut anything that stands in their financial way.

That is why I like Africans and their style of politiking. You can't use women to assasinate their characters--no matter what. They are allowed to have as many wives and mistresses as they can cater for at the expense of the electorates.

Women! Only God can explain how He created these creatures. One can forgive Monica Lewinsky for falling headlong over heel with Bill Clinton. He is cute and powerful then...
But how do we explain Tracy Temple's affair with the 'ape-like' John Prescott - the deputy Prime Minister.

And why is it now, that the local council elections are around the corner that journalists have decided to expose the sordid love affair?
Do you smell foul play!