Monday, May 01, 2006

Women, Politics and Blackmail...

...women are the greatest blackmailers when it comes to sour relationships and politics, Donny said.
I do not agree with this assertion. Because often times, men are of the opinion that women are second class mammals that can be sucked dry and left in the lurch.

Donny shakes his head--as if to indicate that I am lost or I have been swallowed by the whiteman's way of reasoning.

Look at it from this angle... he says. A man would always be a man. That is the way the good Lord in his infinite wisdom created us...

What's your point, I asked him.

My point is, women tend to resort to blackmail whenever a man says it is over. Why can't a man just walk out of a relationship when he's tired--like women do all the time.

But men walk out of relationships everytime-- don't they?

Do they? Show me a public office holder who walked out of a relationship freely and I will show a blackmailer.

Donny was now prepared to lecture me on this. The way he shifted and and adjusted his chair, I knew we were in for a long night...

Do you still recall Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky and the Bill Clinton's affair...?
Of course. Who would forgot that beauty queen(?) Monica. A genuine Kanye West gold digger.

Good. Those two are the typical firebrand grave-are-sour vixen daughters of Eve. And I tell you what, most women... if not all, are like that or they have the suppressed potentials to act like Monica when a good bloke like you and I say its over.

No..., I vehemently disagree...The Monica Lewinsky-vis-avis-Bill Clinton's affair, was the Republican Blackmail. A loser's trump card which actually backfired. You can't use that as an index to judge all other women...

Ok. Donny seems to concede. What you are saying by implication is that the Conservative Party are losing out and have resorted to cheap blackmail and character assassination with this Tracy Temple's bullshit...? Is that it...?

I don't get your drift. What has the Conservative party and Tracy Temple got to do with blackmail...?...I asked.
What I am saying to you 'idiot' is that women have allowed themselves to become cheap weapons of blackmail by dirty politcians.

The Monica Lewinskies and Paula Jones' and the Tracy Temples of the world are always there-- ready to be used.

Well, I think I am feeling sleepy....I don't know of being used, but I think they have every right to fall in and out of love-- as they wish.

Yes, it has everything to do with politics. It's not just love. These women are tough miners--searching for gold and publicity; with double edge sword-- ready to cut anything that stands in their financial way.

That is why I like Africans and their style of politiking. You can't use women to assasinate their characters--no matter what. They are allowed to have as many wives and mistresses as they can cater for at the expense of the electorates.

Women! Only God can explain how He created these creatures. One can forgive Monica Lewinsky for falling headlong over heel with Bill Clinton. He is cute and powerful then...
But how do we explain Tracy Temple's affair with the 'ape-like' John Prescott - the deputy Prime Minister.

And why is it now, that the local council elections are around the corner that journalists have decided to expose the sordid love affair?
Do you smell foul play!


Anonymous said...

yes i smell foul play big time. the conservatives are try every tactics possible-immigration and foreign prisoners stunt,clarkes'resignature, the NHS, Cherries hairstyle and money spent during last elections compaign;everything and anything to smear the good work labour has done over the years. it won't work.

Anonymous said...

interesting post. but don't you think men are to blame for the lot of these political blackmailers putting it your way?

the question is, why do married men who are political office holders cheat?

if you can answer this question, we shall be able to take it from there.
nice blog.