Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Night Walk...

Every other evening, she sits on cold concrete--her violin on her shoulders attempting to play Mozarts' 'overture from the marriage of Figaro'...

Multitude of legs in a hurry threatening to trample on her does not in the lest appear to deter her...
Most times, her eyes are tightly closed as she caresses the strings of her violin with nails badly crooked from age-long habit of using her teeth...

I stood about three feet away listening and almost enjoying the melody...but the frigid atmosphere jolts me to reality...

No one is actually listening--save for some passive glances and two or maybe three 'generous' passers-by -who threw some browish coins her direction...

It is Friday night. I took my gaze slowly to the adjacent building--not really separated, but adjoining the building where the violin lady seated.

Its like stepping from a serene meadow with lush green lawns and rose bud flowers into a metallic junkyard--where the clanging of metals seem interminable...

There, a sea of humanity waited servitudely to purchase their tickets to see naked women... and heavy metal music blared stridently from invisible speakers--reminding us of the fall of man...

This mundane affair have been given immersed publicity for over three weeks. The queue of these 'beings' remind you of motorists in Lagos--during fuel scarcity...

They wait, groins pressed against hips. Here, only the animal instinct are in strung conditions as they can't bear to sexually explode-

Now, I revert my gaze to the violin lady--this time, the sublime 'hallelujah' --Handel's Messiah, was vibrating cozingly to remind us that heaven or hell is a matter of choice...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Caught in a web of tumultous agitation, which all but me can extricate from, I found my itching finger hitting the keys yet again...putting thoughts into words and words into jerky phrases...which I apparently envisage no one except you reads...

Of these two difficult tasks--'writing and reading', my lazy ass has always prefer the latter...
Yet, you lure and entice me like the unconscious worm at the end a hook being dangled by an angler...

And like the fish which cannot discern this booby trap from genuine meal...I'm sucked into this vortex of human contrapment- blogging!

So, what started as a simple pleasurable leisure metamorphesizes into a labourous and excrutiating ordeal--lest the well runs dry for me and others like me...

For some, a necessary sabbatic journey is embarked upon to return rejuvenated--While others from whom we took the cue fizzle out like a puff of wind --thou with rippling effects...

To all such, I say...'may your ink never run try--if scribbling is your thing...
And for those who like to hit the keys directly, may you find harmony...may your thoughts congeal into words, and may your words develop into phrases(not jerky phrases like mine)...

As we all know, phrases don't make sense only sentences(very ambiguous)...therefore, may your phrases phase into sentences...which will develop into chapters...then pages and finally that book...