Friday, May 05, 2006


I do not actually believe in witchcraft or wizardry...what I however do know, is that some people are plain wicked.
Right now, I am too flustered to think straight and articulate what I intended to blog.
Someone very close to me called me last night: saying, the step-mom is dead. She died while giving birth. The baby too could not be saved.

That is not the source or cause of my anger.
I strongly suspect the father of this friend of mine to be a wizard. Hear me out.
The dead woman I mention above, is the third wife that has died through child birth in the hands of that man. My friend's mother was the first wife. She died while giving birth to her third child.

We used to be very close family friends until I moved to the UK.
According to my friend--who is trying to keep a wide distance between himself and the father, the man has married thrice within a period of twenty-four years and none of the women is alive. And he is just fifty -four.

A man's second wife dying through the same circumstances as the first may appear to many as a mere co-incidence.
But, for a third wife, the same man... no, this is one coincident too many.


Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

wow. this is a case for serious prayers!! the guy may not being practising wizardy himself but maybe someone has something against him. When i hear stuff like this i can only but that God for his many mercies on me and my family!

Anonymous said...

wow. i agree with you.this is one coincident 2 many. haba, is his name is wife misfortune?

LondonBuki said...

Wow... you just don't want to point fingers but at the same time, it's a lot of coincidence(s?. Like Onada said, it could be one of two things... Prayer is the key.

Anonymous said...

please dont go accusing someone could be a bad coincidence.anything is possible

Noella said...

hmm, It is definitely possible that it is a conicidence - that's the whole point with coincidences- they are rare. I feel sorry for the guy though, his wife died,and instead of comforting him, people are scared of him and suspicious, hey yah
On the other hand he might be responsible - as to believing in wizards, I don't believe IN them, but I guess they do exist, seen too many deliverance services to dismiss their existence

Nneka's World said...

Might be coincidence.
Or just plain bad luck!

TMinx said...

Thats really sad. Apart from these coincedences do they know that he has other weird practices? I mean what do they think he is doing with his wives and kids? Sacrificing the for youth or money or what? I'm not sure I believe all that..

Anonymous said...

What i do kno' is that there are no co-incidence in life. Take it or leave it...everything that happens to a man is in accordance with what he or she has sowed.
The man above may not necessarily be a wizard but he has something to do with the misfortune that has befallen him. Inasmuch as i sympathez with him and the rest of his family, he has to look upward and inward in his own direction to find the needed answers to the questions troubling him and others.