Friday, May 19, 2006


When someone so close to you passes on after a bitter struggle with cancer,
you are mostly like to be silent...

When that person is your eldest sister and mentor for some obvious reasons,
You are most likely to remain shocked...

And when your eldest sister plays the role of your mother... because she is more,
you are mostly likely to be more confused...

But when she passes on; leaving three little kids with mouths agape...
you are most likely to cry...

At times like this Naomi, the only consolation, is in John Donne's word:

"Death, Be Not Proud"

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell;
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.


Anonymous said...

hello there, no...hello friend, i can call you friend, because your lastest post is an experience that i can relate with on a personal leverl, cos people say grief is an emotion that you do not wish on even your worst enemy, but sometimes, just sometimes, when God so wills, someone you know, or dont know, who is neither an enemy nor a friend experiences a time of grief, but at the same time, there is someone out there who has felt this grief and this pain and experienced the anger, the denial , the acceptance, the hurt, the tears associated with grief...yes.....i watched as my brother struggled with cancer for 2 years, the chemotherapy, the radiation, the hair falling and all...and no, i do not wish it on my worst enemy and even though i did not attend Mrs Olu...."s lesson with you or sit beside you in social studies class or dance to "beat it" with you at any small childrens party , this experience that we share, has made you my dear friend, look to the one true God, who is the one true sovereign God , who will comfort those kids when the girl waalks down the aisle and looks among the aso-ebi women hoping one is her mum, of when the boy meets a girl and he cant say, she cooks well, but not better than my mum,......look to the God who is the lion and the lamb, the one who bore our sins and became sin for us and yet had no sin of his own, he will comfort you and when you feel the tears coming let them come, when you see a wall and u feel ur fist ramming into it out of pain and anger, put all you weught behind that blow and let it out, and in all this, be the best friend, best son, best sibling, best uncle, best person you can be, while you still can,,,,,i miss my brother soo much and i would give anything to have my back, he was funny and caring and was the best brother a girl could ask for...but he isnt here and i am friend, as your sister looks down on you and those lovely kids, she isnt here, she is in a better place, but you are what my friend, will you do with your one, wild and precious life?

PS; my blog name is

so-obscure said...

May the good Lord grant you the strength to bear and overcome the grieve of losing someone so precious as your brother...

I would've really loved it if you didn't remain anonymous...
Thanks all the same!

Belle in the city:
Thank you and may the good Lord also watch over you and yours....!

Christie's Corner said...

yeah, I can relate to this too, recently I lost somebody very close to my heart "just like that" but thk God that we hv this hope that someday we will see our loved ones again, may her soul rest in peace.

LondonBuki said...

May her soul rest in perfect peace...

Nneka's World said...

May her soul rest in peace.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Anon could not have said it better.

So-obscure take care and hope you are ok.

so-obscure said...

Hmm...!Thank you londonbuki...

Well, Nneka, I'm trying to see to it that I come out of this OK...
I'll be OK by HIS Grace...Thank You!

Anonymous said...

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LondonBuki said...

Hey... hope you are doing okay...

LondonBuki said...

Good to hear you are holdin up well. Take care of yourself and looking forward to reading ur posts again.

Biodun said...

May her soul rest in perfect peace, hold on to God for strength, n I hope u have been doing fine?