Two weeks ago, I was watching a documentary on AIDS and its devastation in Africa... specifically in Uganda. You see, I could not help but wonder at the role ignorance and poverty have played in the spread of this pandemic.
As I watched the programme, sympathizing with the afflicted victims of this deadly disease, I saw no hope or respite in the wretchedness of Africa and Africans.
I saw no hope because the disease and misery ravaging Africa is more of the mind than AIDS. My depondency arose from the mere fact that the majority of Africans are not educated. Even where they are educated, the foolish idea 'that God is the one who gives Children' hinders most of them from seeing beyond their noses.
How do you explain to the world that a man earns less than £80 or $142 a month, (that is thirty days or twenty-eight) yet, he has a dozen children including his wife and other relatives to cater for.
How is he going to manage his family...? Your guess is as good as mine!
One of the greatest problems facing Africans presently is IGNORANCE! It is Africa that has the largest number of miserable-looking, kwashiorkor children in world because their parents breed like rats. A typical example of how Ignorance is going to ruin the continent would be found in most refugee camps. Imagine, a country has just been ravaged by war, and most of her citizens are refugees in other lands...
Inside such refugee camps, the people are faced with acute starvation, malnutrition, and other varying diseases; yet the adults (husbands & wives) find it convenient to procreate and add to their misery.
Somebody may want to argue that bad governance is solely responsible for such conditions. But the people who bear the brunt should know better. An average Nigerian man or woman for instance cannot say he or she is expecting the government to tell them how many children they ought to bring into this miserable world.
I will try and paint another picture so as to drive my point home.
Have you ever visited one these big establishments in Nigeria... like Cadbury, Leventis, or Liver Brothers or the University community?
Have you observed that whereas the D.G or MD or Professor as the case maybe, has a wife and two children, the security men or gardeners, the labourers- who earn a thousand times less
than their bosses have either two or three wives with between eight and a dozen or more children.
That is the plight of the average uneducated ignorant African man and woman!
Procreation is a pastime! . That is why Nigeria cannot come up with the true or near true figure of her population.
That is why the average family of misery and penury sends the under age female child into the street to fend for herself and her siblings.
That is why a man and his wife will kill their conscience and sell their flesh and blood into slavery.
It is the same ignorance and undisciplined procreation of children like rats that leads to child labour.
The idea of bringing children into the world is a serious business. It is much more than a man and a woman sleeping together for fun....
Parents should be ashamed of thmselves if they fail to live upto their responsibilities as parents.
Even in the Western world where they practice partial welfarism,(because, if you cannot take of your children, the social welfare will take them from you) the adults don't breed like rats.
These are the kind of education the so-called men of God, and the churches and mosques should be preaching and impacting... instead of these empty, vaingloriousness they preach and practise nowadays. They should teach why children should be brought into this world.
The people should be made to understand the purpose of procreation and the implication.
"For spiritually free human beings procreation should be nothing but the proof of their willingness to take a strange human spirit into the family as a permanent guest, offering it the opportunity on earth to atone and to mature! Only when both sides have the fervent wish to achieve this purpose should the opportunity for procreation be sought!"
Teachers and preachers should be bold enough to teach this!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
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Oh yes oh!
True talk.
Gone are the days when people used to pump children out.
it stems down to ignorance as well as the church/religion, cause the church forbids the use of contraceptives and say its another form of abortion.
Oh well, for them pocket oh!
well this is very true of the down trodden in nigeria, they give birth more than the so called rich addition, life can very funny bcos some people who can really take of children don't have and those poor ones are breeding like rats(according to u). I guess that is life.
often time i wonder why the down trodden tend to have more children they can't take care of.
I wonder why the poor people tend to breed more kids than the very rich who can take care of them properly.
I strongly support the idea of government coming up with laws that will limit the numbers of children to each family.
Life is so fun, bcos some people who can really take of children are childless.
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