Monday, July 23, 2007

...Life's Challenges

Life's challenges are like the wind that blows from all corners. There is no sitting on the fence. You are either mobile and active--making progress or you are sliding down the slope with horrifying speed --then, there is nothing to wedge in -between. Progress. Upward or downward…

Do you wish to be the challenged or do you wish to be the challenger? Do you wish to listen or do you wish to speak? Do you wish to be a spectator or do you wish to be a player? Life is a challenge, yes. But life Itself is challengeable nonetheless – either you challenge it, or it will challenge you.

Imagine a person so ashamed to acknowledge his own identity; or, sadder yet, a person who doesn’t even know his own identity. Picture a soul so lacking in self-confidence that it cannot look you in the eye; or, sadder yet, cannot even look itself in the eye (if that were possible). Think of a mind so devoid of education that it rots away in its own ignorance, but not ignorant enough for the rotting to be in bliss.

More than 80 million children under 15 are estimated to be labouring in the poor countries of the world. According to one study, one in three children under 15 in east Africa is working and one in four children in west Africa is working. Their families are too poor to afford fees to send them to school. And often the countries themselves are too poor to provide schooling for all their children. In addition, the families need the extra income from their children’s labour in the poorest areas of the world where the average income can be less than $1 per day. Can you picture that?

Do something extraordinary today...and start changing a child's life for the better.
The problems children face in the developing world differ, but the cause is always the same - poverty.

It's easy to feel hopeless, but through child sponsorship, you truly can do something about it, something extraordinary.
You can personally reach out and connect with a child and their community and follow their progress as they overcome incredible hardships and build for the future


1 comment:

ababoypart2 said...

A moving post, one to be taken seriously. Thanks