Monday, April 23, 2007

Now that the Elections are Over, Let Us Celebrate...

I think Nigeria and Zimbabwe and Togo and Cameroun and Liberia(maybe the whole of Africa) are the only countries in the world where the electorates are disatisfied with the dividend of democracy, yet, they keep voting for the same polical leaders..
The elections in Nigeria have come and gone. The peoples' Democratic Party (PDP) have swept the polls--winning majority of the legislative seats--(states and national) and the apex position--presidency or haven't they?

Now, let Nigerians roll out the drums and celebrate. Let the ruling-class and the elected politicians pat themselves on the back for a successful conduct of a semblance of an election...

President General Olusegun Obasanjo must be very proud of 'Ewu' Maurice--the INEC(Independent National Electoral Commission) chairman. Maurice must score very high in Obasanjo's rating. Why not?

It is only a genius of Ewu Maurice calibre who can hoodwick the people--local and international with INEC's electoral abracadabra -the more you look, the less you see.

The unfortunate history of democracy in Nigeria would not be complete without mentioning the contributions of Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo and the Peoples' Democratic Part--PDP. A party of greedy, selfish, shameless and corrupt men and women.

Now that the spurious elections are over, and PDP have swept the polls, let the obese, funny looking figures with starched brocades mount their jeep cars and ride in roads filled with potholes to their numerous palatial mansions in the villages...while the children of the down trodden stare bewildered, thumb in their mouths--with shining kwashiorkor bellies thrust forward and thread bare underwears with gaping holes--line the streets. Nigeria's tourist attraction!

Now that the elections are over, let the 'haves'--with stupendous material wealth change their generating plants and the noise that emanate from these machines continue to deafen the downtroddens. Let the 'have-nots' continue to inhale the air saturated fumes...

Let Nigerians congratulate their elected representatives. The very men and women who came humbly to their door-steps--promising to make the sun shine twenty four hours a day and rebuild their demolished stores. Saying that policemen will no longer harrass their souls with--'wetin you carry' and 'park' as they return from their hinderland markets--with tired bodies and arthritis joints...

Nigerians can now sleep with both eyes closed--without the fear of marauders at night and broad daylight.

Now that the elections have been won and lost, the scoundrels who were used as body-guards by PDP politicians can now return to their villainy--harrassing innocent and law abiding citizens...

Now that the elections are over, let Nigerians celebrate the decay and rot of their society; while the elected officials pillage the treasury--its pay back time for the godfathers who financed the 'area boys' who were used to disrupt normal voting process...

Bring out the champagnes and choice wines. Let us drink to the dividend of democracy in Nigeria.

...And I would like to propose a toast... the success of PDP, the largest fraudulent political party in Africa; to Maurice Ewu--for being the most unbias umpire in this political abracadabra; I'm not done yet, I would also like us to toast to the fact that--the electoral tribunal is there for all aggrieved parties...

Finally, I would like to say this--the international community and its bias observers can go to hell--Nigeria is a Republic.

Hip...hip ...hip...hurrah!...Hip...hip...hip...hurrah!


Anonymous said...

So-obscure, ur description of the poor and helpless in Nigeria is graphically painful and apt.

Anonymous said...

Gosh! Whatever you are on, it must be quite potent. I could almost be persuaded to feel the same about these elections - if it were not so funny, it would have been really tragic.

Ulrich said...

Did you watch the bbc news on the election in nigeria? I mean the picture showing one the constestant on the podium. it was as if he was directing the people to go and fight.

And those people they look like sudanese. Are they really nigerians?

Anonymous said...

They all look as if they've been cream crackered!

BlogVille Idol said...


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