Monday, July 31, 2006

Where are Thou...?

For thirteen days they hid under... praying, making supplication to the most high. Precisely ten years ago, Khali lost his father and an elder brother. The Israelis called it the "Grape of Wrath..."

As the Israeli forces make incursion through wanton destruction in southern Lebanon...killing women and children, a friend of mine asked a dumb question..."is God/Allah partial...?

I said... "what do you mean...?

He then made reference to the sad story of Khali--a young Lebanese who lost his father and brother during an earlier (1996) invasion by Israel.

In his rage, he asked why God/Allah would allow such oppression and killing of innocent children--especially babies.


I reminded him of 9/11 and the July bombing of London in 2005.

He went totally ballistic. the Americans and British people...they do not believe in God...

But don't forget that in both incidence--9/11 and 7/7, there were 'supposed' christians and do you reconcile that...?

This 'nut' looked at me straight in the eyes and said..."they were all guilty by association..."

So, how do you explain-- that for the umpteen time, the 'minute' state of Israel is able not only to pin the massive muslim states around her to submission, but defeat them collectively hands down...?

Needless to add, that the 'infidel' Americans have somewhat restrained them (Israel) from an- all- out invasion.

My friend became 'tongue-tied' for a moment.

When he eventually found his voice, he concluded by saying..." I think there are TWO Gods-- Jehovah--God of the Israelis/Jews and Allah--God of the Muslims/Arabites...

He said it... not me...

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