Friday, April 14, 2006

What Does It Takes To Apologise...?

I sent an electronic device to Lagos through one of the courier services last Wednesday.
At the courier office here in the UK, I was told it will only take three working days for the item to be delivered to its final destination.

Today is Thurday- the ninth day since the item left the UK. My friend has not received it yet.
And because I have the tracking number, I decided to call the Lagos office since I found out from the net, that the item has arrived there.
I wanted to know what was delaying it from being delivered to its final destination.

I dialed the Lagos number....

Customers Services[CS]:...hello, UTSS courier services....

So-obscure:... hello, good afternoon...em, I sent an item through your services....since Wednesday last week...

CS:... do you have the tracking number...?

So-obscure:... yes please, I have the tracking number...

CS:... may I have the tracking number...?

So-obscure:..yes please....XYZ123456789

CS:... hold on....

Tick tock....tick tock....tick tock.....tick tock.... tick tock.... tick tock.... tick tock....

One minute.... two minutes.... three minutes... four minutes...

Couldn't take it any longer.... click! I hung up.

So, I waited for approximately ten agonising minutes and then dialed again....

Grrhh...grrhh...grrhh... grrhh...

Hello...UTSS courier services....

So-obscure: ..hello, I called earlier and someone put me on hold forever....

CS: what do you mean... I only went for five minutes...not forever...

So-obscure: ...excuse me[I was getting really angry now]...You put me on hold for five endless minutes and then come back without apologising...?

CS:...please don't shout at me o....

So-obscure: Is that an apology...?

CS: ...apologise for what...?

So-obscure:... for keeping me waiting for five 'fu...king' minute...

CS:.. please mind your language...

So-obscure:...JESUS CHRIST!... I demand an apology from you... for keeping me waiting....

CS:...see me see trouble o...ok, I'm sorry...

Gosh! I spent another wasteful six minutes to make her see reasons with me...and apologise. Where was she trained...?
The direct opposite is what we have here in the UK. Customer services will almost drown you with apologies and the word 'please'....
Honestly, if I had access to her superiors, I would have had her changed from that desk...
She succeeded in leaving a very bad taste in my mouth...
I will never ever use that courier services again. They lost a customer. Me.


LondonBuki said...

It's a shame you had that experience.

BUT I hope you know why the customer service is much better here... It's cos most calls are being recorded and they can get into trouble...

In Lagos, who has time for all that?

Happy Easter.

Imnakoya said...

Customer service is better in London and most western nations because the businesses in these places understand the importance of excellent customer service (CS) and how it relates to their buttomline; so they train their staff well.

Majority of Nigerian businesses have yet to understand this philosophy and many of their customers really care less about such things. i think the only business where one can see traces of good CS are the eatries and "bukaterias", they understand the relevance and they practise good CS most of the time.

So what becomes of your package; why the delay? Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

you should have just ignored him. Nigerian customer service is non-existent. I don't expect much.

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

Lol she said "please dont shout at me oh" talk about lack of training.