Monday, March 06, 2006

Who is More Realistic here...?

The term business man is so superfluous.Although, some renown business men have come to make the term more acceptable. People like Fayed- the owner of Harold's. Abramovich- the owner of Chelsea football club...late MKO Abiola..etc. These are men who invested in a variety of businesses ranging from shipping to newspaper ownership and football clubs.

But when I meet a young man who says he is a pastor, I'm always very wary. I usually classify pastors as schemers and business men-especially in the US and Nigeria.
A pastor in my 'limited' understanding is one who is in charge of a congregation. So, why is it that they don't work?
Human-beings, they always look for and choose the easy way out... put your problems and life in the hands of another... you are assured of a place in heaven. Bullsh...t!

Is there anybody out there who can tell me why pastors don't work... and then they come out in these outlandish styles and oppresive attitude...?

Why am I talking like this...? Well, I met one of these so-called men of god last night(from Nigeria)... and the experience left a sour taste in my mouth.
The idea of narrowing everything spiritual to a mundane and materialistic slogan and crusade has repelled more people of good reasoning and judgement than attract.
Imagine the arrogance of the man saying..."we need not travel abroad in order to posses our possesions..."
And I asked..."what does that mean...?"
Hear him..." you have been given dominion...whatever you asked in the name of the father, you shall posses..."
And I said..." in the name of the father, pastor give me your wallet..." The slimy schemer looked at me, and said..."you are not being realistic..."

Now, you be the judge, who is more realistic here...? A pastor who does not work, but collects money from gullible people like you or a hard-working bloke like you and you and you...


Anonymous said...

evrytime u kom up wit 'crack' stories or articles, i feel lets see how the christians will react. none?
'some' other religions wuld consida dis as 'blasphemy'.
u have stretched ur tolerance beyond the limit. so-called men of god u said.
yet, no one seems to see the mockery here.
boy, kip doing ur thin!

Nneka's World said...

I tire oh! all this pastor business.
Anyway feeling the new layout. Nice